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Losing Belly Fat - Talk Yourself Into It

Written By Unknown on Friday, March 18, 2011 | 7:22 AM

Losing belly fat is a top priority for most people who want to lose weight. And it seems belly fat is the hardest fat to shift. But it can be done. And you will do it if you can talk yourself into it.

Of course you need to exercise to lose belly fat and you need a "belly fat diet", but the most important thing you need is the right mindset to succeed.

You literally have to talk yourself into losing belly fat the way you've been talking yourself out of it for so long.

Oh yes you have! You've been saying to your poor deluded subconscious "I'll start the diet tomorrow", "It's too hot/cold/wet/late/early to go out walking" and "At least I'm not as fat as Susan".

You need to develop simple strategies for reprogramming your subconscious sound track to become a winner in the belly fat battle, not a big fat loser.

Way way too many of us have predominantly self doubting and destructive subconscious sound track loops and the more we say negative things to ourselves, the more our faithful but naive subconscious goes along with them.

They become our truths. The thing is, your subconscious will believe anything you tell it. That's right. Anything. So choose what you say to yourself very carefully.

You've got to say things with conviction and repeat them over and over till your mind buys it.

If you make a habit of telling yourself "The time has come to shift my belly fat", "So long, belly fat old mate" or "Today I'm blasting a bit more off the belly fat" strange as it sounds, it will put you in the right mindset to start losing belly fat.

And then the fat will just melt away? Well no, it's not that magical.

This technique is not mind over matter; it is setting the scene for success. It is preparation for the work ahead.

You have to couple this positive soundtrack with action. Once you've worked out the talk, you have to do the walk (briskly).

Get as informed as you can about the right type of sensible diet for you and the best regular exercises that you can get into. Psych yourself up with positive self talk, eat right, workout regularly and before you know it, you'll be losing belly fat.

Read more about losing belly fat or download Rosie Peters' free report 5 Simple Steps to Fat Loss and start losing weight today.
7:22 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Stomach Shrink Faster

Written By Unknown on Saturday, March 12, 2011 | 1:08 AM

Perhaps, you missed some of the things that make your body do not form perfectly, especially in the abdomen. Because, to shrink the stomach is not enough just to sit-ups and cardio exercise alone.

According to Jillian Michaels, one of the fitness trainer from the show The Biggest Loser, there are five more things you can do to control belly fat.

1. Set the weight of water. That is, you need to reduce salt intake to 1,500 mg per day, and increase water intake to 2.3 liters a day. The more you drink, the less you retain water.
2. Consumption of foods containing potassium (like watermelon). Foods high potasiumnya levels will help you relieve bloating, so that your stomach is shaped (not bloated). You can also make cranberry juice mixed with water, dandelion tea, asparagus, and try two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar every day. Vinegar also helps maintain normal potassium levels in the body.
3. Do something else to burn body fat. The trick with getting used to count calories at each meal, so you can burn excess body fat.
4. Maximize your skills while practicing in the gym. During training which was arranged by your coach, do not immediately give up or feel unable to do so. Try 85 percent of your maximum heart rate to function during exercise, in order to obtain optimal fat burning. Do exercises that concentrate on the muscles of the center, and use multiple muscle groups, such as a combination of martial arts or yoga.
5. Avoid processed foods, alcohol, and less rest. Sleep is a soothing activity, and fun, so why are you always putting nundanya? Lack of sleep, plus the two previous terms, will increase levels of cortisol (stress hormone), which is one of the hormones that are believed to cause the storage of fat in the abdomen.
1:08 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

4 Food diminutive Belly Fat

However, there are actually several types of food "key" that can help you shrink the fat on the abdomen. If you already exercise regularly, try adding your effort to consume foods that can burn fat faster:

Foods such as oatmeal and beans contain high fiber so that it can help shrink belly fat with a variety of ways. These foods make you feel full faster than low-fiber foods, and takes longer to digest making you feel full.

Protein function more or less the same as fiber, which can prolong satiety. This is because protein takes more calories to digest than fruits and vegetables. One source of protein which also contain vitamin B12 are eggs. Food is important to break down fat cells.

Beans and pulses (lentils, beans, peas, etc.) is also a good source of protein and has the extra benefit because it is also fortified with fiber. However, you need to select the type as another deep-fried bean also contains high saturated fat. Meanwhile, the baked beans also contain sugar.

Fruits such as papaya and pineapple can be enriched with enzymes that help break down proteins to be digested better. Foods that contain enzymes, such as fresh fruit and vegetables, provide opportunities for the liver and pancreas to release more toxins. In addition, these fruits also change the stored fat in the abdomen into energy for the body.

Healthy Fats
Fatty foods do not always cause the stomach to be bloated. This depends on the type of fat you consume. Monounsaturated fat, for example, can increase metabolism and alter abdominal fat into energy.

Foods rich in healthy fats include olive oil and avocados. Olive oil is specifically not only help you burn fat, but also help keep cholesterol levels remained within normal limits. You can also snack foods, like almonds, which are not only rich in monounsaturated fat, but also a source of protein that provides fat burning effects. Almonds also help prevent upset stomach due to hunger.
1:07 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Sports, Hunting Hidden Fat

Duke University announced, sport is one of the most effective way to get rid of fat, even to the most hidden ones. The study, published in The Journal of Physiology is chaired by an expert physiologist Cris Slentz, PhD.

Slentz and his team conclude, when we rarely exercise, so the process of fat formation on the inside of the stomach more quickly. When in fact, with only moderate intensity exercise, we can chop down a layer of fat. Therefore, it can be what happens if we do a routine exercise, fat-burning fat even more and more and more slender waistline.

"If we begin to realize this, it is actually very easy to have a proportionate body. Everything starts from our minds and only this that control our weight, "Slentz convincing.

Slentz went on to explain, another name for fat in the body part is visceral fat. He circled the entire stomach. These fats will work overload our vital organs so that their side effects also varied, ranging from heart problems to diabetes type 2 or commonly referred to as metabolic syndrome. "Metabolic syndrome is a collection of diseases that occur due to our belly fat."

And if we think of belly fat that causes metabolic syndrome is only experienced by people with obesity, then you should start thinking twice. The reason, Slentz find facts, thin people can have a pile of fat. Only, many people do not really notice because he was deep enough in the stomach. "So as not visible, when in fact there is," Slentz said.
1:05 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Destroy the Deepest Belly Fat

When doing these exercises with TVA targets, you will lose fat as much as 0.45 kg / week (without diet). Coupled with changing your diet, then within four days you can dress size down 1 number. Complete this movement with fat-burning workout with interval training. Cardio exercise performed continuously with the variation of movement, will burn belly fat faster than regular aerobic exercise.

Here are the TVA movement designed by Paul Frediani, master trainer at the gym Jewish Community Center in New York City, and author of Power Sculpt for Women.

Equipment needed: Stability ball, mat, and belts of cloth (like a kimono or your bathrobe)

3 days of the week: Do Tummy-Tuck three days a week (but not consecutive), starting with 2 sets and 10 reps each setnya.

3 days alternately: Follow the activities of the Belly-Blasting Intervals to choose your own cardio workout you want.

Section 1, Movement Tummy-Tuck. Begin each exercise session by locking the stomach or called Ab Vacuum, which will warm your TVA so you'll really be able to perform the next movement.

Ab Vacuum

Wrap a belt around his waist as high as the navel, leave the tip dangling belts. Kneel hip-width apart, hands on the floor with a position below the shoulder, back in the flat position. Take a deep breath, then megarkan stomach so that pressing the belt. Exhale, pull your navel toward the spine (so that the belt loosened), hold for 5-10 seconds. Repeat 5 to 10 times.

Core Pulse

The main movement is lying with arms at your sides, legs extended. Key stomach, and lift the head, shoulders, upper back, and your arm about 10 cm from the floor. Inhale, lifting your arms up and down as high as 2.5 to 5 cm in a matter of 5 seconds. This movement is a repeat.

In order to more easily: Perform this movement with your knees bent to 90 degrees. It's harder when: lowered his legs, then lock your stomach. The closer your feet to the floor (without arching your back), the more challenging movements.

Elevated Plank

Place the forearm to the stability ball with both hands close tightly, then stick out your leg straight back, resting on your toes. Exhale, pull the belly toward the spine, hold for 30-60 seconds. The back and body remain in a straight line. Rest for 30 seconds, then repeat the last movement. Do it 3 times.

In order to more easily: Make movement without the stability ball plank. It's harder when it is: With the movement of plank on the ball, pull your legs toward your chest 10 times for each leg.

Double Reach

Lying down, hugging her knees to the chest, head and shoulders lifted. Exhale, pull your stomach, then extend legs upward in 45-degree angle while moving the arm to the back of the head. Inhale, and pull the knee and arm back to its original position.

In order to more easily: Let the knee remains flexed when your legs stretched forward. It's harder when: lowered position until the foot is 5 to 7.5 cm from the floor.

Core Lunge

Stand with one foot stuck to the back, left foot about 90 cm in front of the right foot. Hold the stability ball chest-high, arms extended. Inhale, lock your stomach, then slowly lowered with both knees bent about 90 degrees. Keep the front knee more forward than your toes. Exhale, and slowly stood up again and lift the ball above your head with your arms straight up. Repeat with the lower ball when you are in a lunge position (modestly).

In order to more easily: Perform this movement without the ball. It's harder when: From the lunge position where the knees bend, turn around to the left, right, forward, and backward, then back to the front in 1 replication.

Toe Dip

Lying with her legs above the hips, knees bent 90 degrees. Dispose of breath, pull your stomach, then slowly lower one leg almost touches the floor, use the stomach to hold to the back is not arched. Return to starting position, then replace it with the other foot.

In order to more easily: Put one foot to the floor, then lift one leg and lowered alternately. It's harder when it is: Close the second leg, then lowered both legs simultaneously.

Ball Balance

Lie on the ball (the ball's position under the belly), arms and feet flat on the floor. Exhale and pull the abdomen to stabilize your balance, then lift your right arm forward and left leg stretched out behind. Breathe normally and hold for 10 seconds. Use the abdominal muscles and back to keep the ball does not wiggle and your body in a straight position, then lower the hands and feet. Repeat with other leg and hand, do 5 times for each side.

In order to more easily: Figures arm in just 5 reps, then repeat with other leg. Replace with the other leg and foot, and repeat the movement. It's harder when: Hold the position of the raised hands and feet, and create a movement to form the letters by hand. Repeat with the other hand and foot.

Movement 2, Belly-Blasting Intervals

Women who do interval training (cardio exercises with different movements) for 20 minutes, will lose belly fat 1.3 kg in 15 weeks. This exercise can be done without tools, and can be done anywhere. You can also alternated cardio workout to suit your taste, such as walking, jogging, swimming, aerobics, or cycling. Any activity you choose, focus on the stage of the abdominal muscles pulled into (or to the backbone) to target your belly fat.
1:04 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Belly Fat Can Expelled

Having a flat stomach  and toned is the dream of many people.  In general,  people  aged 30 years, never been pregnant, hobby fatty foods, or too much beer is the main group that is more problematic with abdominal fat.

However, you need not despair because abdominal fat can actually subdued although there is no instant formula for doing so.

"There is no magic bullet, diet plans, specific foods, or sports that are specifically targeted for abdominal fat. But the good news is belly fat is the fat first be eroded when your weight successfully unloaded," said Michael Jensen, MD, experts Mayo Clinic endocrinologist.

Basically, the excess calories into our bodies is stored in two places, under the skin (subcutaneous fat) for the long term and in the abdomen (visceral fat) for the short term.

Visceral fat is also called omental fat, the fat in the omentum, a piece of tissue that attach to the stomach, exactly beneath the abdominal muscles. This fat surrounds organs like heart, liver, and several other core organs.

Whatever your body shape, either apples or pears, excess abdominal fat is bothering you can be removed. People who are overweight will be faster to get rid of fat in thethe stomach . The faster you lose weight, the faster the belly fat is gone.
1:03 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

4 Triggers Belly Buncit

Abdominal fat, in fact everyone has this. But in some people, eliminate belly fat stack must be done with an uphill battle. Even after a routine exercise, fat pile it still did not want to go.

If this is what we experience, check whether the fourth cause of belly fat is still to be around us? Because if so, do not be thinking, AYO AVOID!

Cause 1: Host-fat foods.

Believe that every food that comes into the mouth, will be directly proportional to the intensity of exercise should we do. So if we are still puzzled why it did not want to lose belly fat, look at how much sugar we consume.

And when talking about sugar, type a lot. Starting from pure sugar, sugar refinerasi, until the sugars present in food or drink us. To avoid this, we need to change their food all over it with sugar crunchy.Selain there are also foods made from flour, like bread, noodles, to rice. These foods produce gas when entering the large intestine. This then makes us feel more bloated stomach.

Plus these foods are high in carbohydrates, yet again will be converted into glucose or sugar when it enters the body. If we do not complete the exercise, then the process will slow down the breakdown of glucose which is then stored as fat in the muscle.

Cause 2: Carbonated Beverages.

Carbonated beverages are drinks containing carbon dioxide. This gas when entering the stomach will slow down the digestion of food so that piled into fat.

Cause 3: Never do weight-bearing exercise.

University of Pennsylvania studied 164 female respondents. Based on their intensity weightlifting exercise is concluded, the respondents are 2 times a week doing weight training for 1 hour, experiencing shrinking abdominal fat to 15 percent compared to the no weight training at all. Not only that, they are lifting weights also managed to reduce total fat in the body as much as 4 percent.

Cause 4: Doing sit-ups are wrong.

Actually, only the standard sit ups, if we do it right will be of great benefit to the erosion of fats in the stomach. When lifted his head up, make sure the back and pudak we move in one straight movement. Lift the head as far as we can and feel the stomach to contract.

Remember, do not lift the head with his hand. But push the shoulders up and put both hands behind the ears. Hold for a few minutes, then returned to the lying position slowly to avoid injury.
1:02 AM | 0 komentar | Read More Techie Blogger